Hashbang's Peter Peerdeman
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    I've been using Obsidian for a while now, and after [attending pkmsummit 2024](https://notes.peterpeerdeman.nl/pkm-summit-2024) I was finally convinced to start publishing parts of my personal knowledge management ([PKM](https://notes.peterpeerdeman.nl/personal-knowledge-management)) system. Before we get started with my modestly complicated setup, lets start with the goals and requirements I ha...
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    Personal Knowledge Management isn't new. Chris Alderich showed us at [pkmsummit2024](https://notes.peterpeerdeman.nl/pkm-summit-2024) that people have been keeping notes on all kinds of subjects for ages, and we seem to keep rediscovering the power of organising our thoughts, putting them to paper and thinking about how they connect to other notes in our system. And that is exactly what [persona...
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    "When it pours it rains". After my [recent CPU issues with the longhorn storage solution](../fixing-longhorn-instance-manager-max-cpu-issues), my other non-kubernetes docker-compose based server also had issues with instability due to CPU issues. As I could not decrease the workload of the influx server, I wanted to find a way to ensure that heavy load from the influx server would never impact ...
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    As the threats from the google developer console to close down my account became bigger and deadline-ier, I stepped up and decided to publish an update to the ancient app that was purged from the store long ago. As the API for this app was [recently revived during the kubernetes project](./deploying-a-nodejs-postgres-application-to-kubernetes-raspberry-pi-cluster), I could revisit the mobile app....
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    I stumbled upon this tool by accident and cannot imagine doing anything with kubernetes without it anymore. The tool is called k9s, you can [install it in various ways](https://k9scli.io/topics/install/). I find all the separate commands to figure out the status of your nodes, pods, logs and getting shell access to containers in differente namespaces quite cumbersome. k9s solves all these issues...
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    I've been running [a longhorn installation on a raspberry pi cluster](../installing-longhorn-for-persistent-replicated-storage-on-raspberry-pi-kubernetes-cluster) for a while now. After some time, I started noticing the control plane becoming unstable and going offline, effectively making the workloads on the cluster inaccessible. After rebooting the node, the cluster would come online and then ...
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    Just a little tidbit on hardening. As I was [setting up some services with Traefik's IngressRoutes](./manage-ssl-certificates-and-ingress-for-services-in-k3s-kubernetes-cluster-using-cert-manager-letsencrypt-and-traefik) I wanted to see what I could do to easily harden these services. There are very elaborate solutions to doing extensive hardening on kubernetes services such as [crowdseq](https...
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    One of the reasons I'm a big fan of terminals is not having to remove my fingers from the keyboard and using the mouse. I could find my way around quite well, and found so many solutions but selecting terminal output and using that in the next command was always stille a step too far. Introducing [tmux copy mode](https://dev.to/iggredible/the-easy-way-to-copy-text-in-tmux-319g), which has always...
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    Sometimes you stumble upon a task and think by yourself: what if I get this done with vim? This time: renaming and organising files and folders. I'm an avid user of the [nerdtree plugin](https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree) which already does a great job at editing folders, copying files and navigating around filestructures, but for renaming and moving multiple files I still had to resort to ba...
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    When I would manually look through my `docker-compose.yml` files for regular server maintenance, I used to keep a browser tab with hub.docker.com open and manual check if there were new versions available. After doing this for the upteenth time, I decided to look if there wasn't a way to get pro-actively notified when a new docker image is released. Lo and behold: the awesome application [DIUN](...